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Find High Quality Sheltered Housing / Assisted Living in Israel in Less Than 24 Hours
Free Consultation & guidance on assistance to the aged
Find the answers to your questions:
Where can I find the right nursing home in Israel?
Who will help me to assess homes for the aged in Israel to suit my loved ones exactly?
How can I get financial aid or help from the Israeli authorities?
How can I find 24/7 care (an attendant) for my loved one?
How can I get help in guardianship matters?
How can I get help with all the other matters related to old age?
All the answers to these questions and much more can be found here.
For immediate help you can leave a message here
or call me right now!
All services are totally FREE of charge.
+ 972 522 544 307
+ 972 9 7451 242
Danhai David
Consultant on care for the aged